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外商相关政策:Preferential Policies for Investment Promotion in Jixi City

In accordance with the major deployment of the province and city on "attracting foreign strategic investors for development", in order to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of investment promotion and promote high quality industrial development, preferential policies for investment promotion are formulated.

Article 1: Policy support targets. Anyone who invests in industrial projects such as digital economy, bioeconomy, ice and snow economy, creative design, aerospace, electronic information, new materials, high-end equipment manufacturing, chemical industry, food, medicine, automobile, light industry, modern logistics, tourism facilities, cultural and entertainment within the Jixi region shall enjoy this preferential policy. Primary processing projects such as single resource extraction, washing, smelting, and coking, as well as projects with unsustainable financial contributions such as single aquaculture, warehouse warehousing, and residential real estate industries, are not within the scope of support; Wind power, photovoltaic, new energy and other resource exchange industry projects do not enjoy this policy.

Article 2: New land investment incentive policies. For new land use projects, the investment incentive policy will be paid according to the actual amount of fixed assets investment (excluding government investment at all levels) after the investment is completed, officially put into production and operated according to the investment amount and construction period agreed in the agreement. 3% of the investment amount will be rewarded if the fixed assets investment is between 10 million yuan and 50 million yuan (excluding); Rewards will be given at a rate of 7% of the investment amount for those between 50 million yuan and 100 million yuan (excluding); For those between 100 million yuan and 500 million yuan (excluding), a reward of 8% of the investment amount will be given; For those with an investment amount of over 500 million yuan, a reward of 9% of the investment amount will be given; The maximum reward amount is 150 million yuan.

Article 3: No new land investment incentive policy has been added. For the project of revitalizing assets without new land use (Merger and acquisition funds can be included in fixed assets investment), if the fixed assets investment is more than 10 million yuan, a reward of 1% of the investment amount will be given after the investment is completed, officially put into production and operation according to the construction period agreed in the agreement or reported; After the enterprise obtains the land use right, the new fixed assets investment shall be implemented with reference to Article 4.

Article 4: Incentive policies for purchasing government owned factories. For the project of renting government owned factory buildings (including standardized factory buildings) in advance, if the investment in fixed assets investment is more than 10 million yuan, a reward of 1% of the investment amount will be given after the investment is completed, officially put into production and operated according to the construction period agreed in the agreement or reported; After the enterprise completes the purchase of government owned factory buildings and obtains the land use right in the later period, if the new fixed assets investment reaches 10 million to 50 million yuan (excluding), a reward of 3% of the new investment will be given; If the newly increased fixed assets investment reaches 50 million to 100 million yuan (excluding), a reward of 4% of the newly increased investment will be given; If the newly increased fixed assets investment reaches 100 million to 500 million yuan (excluding), 5% of the newly increased investment will be rewarded; If the newly increased fixed assets investment reaches more than 500 million yuan, 6% of the newly increased investment will be rewarded.

Article 5: Economic and Social Contribution Reward Policy. New industrial projects (including asset revitalization projects) shall be rewarded for five consecutive years after completion of investment, formal production, and operation in accordance with the agreed investment amount and construction period. If the contribution to the local economy and society has been calculated as the starting year, and the total annual contribution to the local economy and society of the city or district exceeds 1 million yuan, 100% of the enterprise's contribution to the local economy and society in the first three years shall be rewarded; In the next two years, a reward of 50% of the enterprise's contribution to the local economy and society will be given.

Article 6: Reward policies for actual utilization of foreign capital. For foreign invested enterprises (including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan invested enterprises) that have completed enterprise registration and tax registration in our city, comply with industrial policy guidance, have independent legal personality, implement independent accounting, and operate in accordance with the law, and for projects and capital increase projects (excluding residential real estate, financial, and similar financial industry projects) with actual foreign investment amounts of 1 million dollars to 5 million dollars (excluding) that year, Reward 2% of the actual amount of foreign investment received in that year (calculated at the current exchange rate in RMB, the same below); Rewards of 3% will be given for those between 5 million dollars and 10 million dollars (excluding); Projects above 10 million dollars (including) will be rewarded at a rate of 4% (including 2% provincial reward), with a maximum reward amount of 10 million RMB. The foreign investment incentive policy can be implemented in conjunction with the investment incentive policy.

Article 7: Reward policies for attracting large and strong talents. For newly introduced Fortune Global 500, China Fortune 500, and private Fortune 500 enterprises with an investment of over 1.5 billion yuan and a cumulative contribution of over 100 million yuan to local economy and society within three years of production, one time reward of 3 million yuan will be given.

Article 8: Support the policy of establishing new artificial cultivation diamond projects. Annual operating revenue of 50 million to 100 million yuan (excluding), with a subsidy of 13% of the annual electricity consumption amount; Annual operating revenue of 100 million to 200 million yuan (excluding), with a subsidy of 10% of the annual electricity consumption amount; If the annual operating income is over 200 million yuan, a subsidy of 8% of the annual electricity consumption amount will be provided, and the maximum annual subsidy amount will not exceed 5 million yuan. For the hexahedral top press machines purchased by newly established enterprises from outside the province, a shipping subsidy of 10000 yuan will be provided for each machine.

Article 9: The "one matter, one discussion" reward policy. Major projects with investment in fixed assets investment of more than 1.5 billion yuan; For emerging economic industry projects that urgently need to be introduced, preferential policies can be given based on the principles of "one enterprise, one policy" and "one matter, one discussion".

Article 10: Policy Definition and Industry Identification. If this preferential policy overlaps with current relevant policies, the principle of "prioritizing, prioritizing, and not duplicating" shall be followed. The recognition of policies requires the implementation of approval and filing procedures, as well as the implementation of relevant recognition and redemption methods. Enterprises enjoying this preferential policy promise not to relocate from our city or change their tax obligations in our city within 10 years. If they violate the promise, they will recover the reward funds already distributed.

Article 11: Scope of Policy Application Regions. This policy applies to all investors within the region (including agricultural reclamation and forest industry), and can implement preferential policies for investment promotion based on the principle of "who collects, who benefits and who cashes" according to administrative divisions.

This policy is interpreted by the Municipal Bureau of Commerce (Investment Promotion) in conjunction with the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, and the Municipal Finance Bureau. In case of any inconsistency between previous relevant policies and this policy, this policy shall prevail.

作者: 编辑:夏鹏程
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